Hands of God

The Lord said, “feed my sheep”.  The Trinity Hands of God Food Pantry works hard to help feed the people of Shelby Co.  The Gleaner’s Foodbank, once per month allows the food pantry to purchase foods and give the pantry fruits and vegetables when available.  In addition volunteers travel to Indianapolis once per month to the Midwest foodbank to pick up drinks, cereal, crackers, chips, meats, milk, eggs, cheese, yogurt and more.  The first and third Tuesday of each month we box and provide food to 70 and upwards to 90 families of all sizes and ages.  God provides what we need for the people and volunteers to make it all work. 

The Food Pantry is open on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month 3p.m. – 6 p.m. Volunteers are welcome to arrive a half hour early.

Let us know which day(s) and time(s) you plan to volunteer.

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